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Imprisoned Soul

Imprisoned Soul


Soul Cage
Imprisoned Soul 

By Darren Bailey LRPS

One day a few years back my worst nightmare happened and I have been living in that nightmare every day ever since it is a prison that my soul cannot escape I can only pretend, but when all is said and done that is all people want

Many people in life trap their own soul within a mental mystical cage not allowing themselves be who they truly are for fear of being ostracised by their peers , never daring to be different from that which is considered "Normal" ....

Art created using a Nikon D90 and a Nikkor 18-105vr @ f8 1/8 second

This piece is two of three
Be sure to see one and three.

Also used

Manfrotto lighting panels
A Ornamental bird cage
Methylated spirit
Ammonium Dichromate (to create the streaks in the fire)
A sprinkle of imagination
A lung full of puff to blow the burning Ammonium Dichromate around.

Dont forget to pop by my website for more 

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